a lot of thing has happened since the last time i blog, and i mean A LOT. hence, i'm not gonna write a long ass post about it but instead put it in numerical points so that you can digest my story a little bit better. here goes in chronological order
1. WENT BACK TO MALAYSIA after the bloody OSCE's exam. it was exciting, fun and everything nice because i haven't been back in what feels like year (in actuality, months). while i was at home, the result for my 4th semester came out and i was very pleased about it because i managed to score a 3.52. the highest so far, okay. and to those who have insulted me for my dissatisfactory 2nd semester's result, YOU GUYS JUST GOT SERVED A FULL SERVING OF IN-YO-FACE! EAT IT!!!
2. FLEW BACK TO JAKARTA because i failed 3 of the OSCE's stations. bloody hell. had i passed all 12 stations in one go, my holiday will be extended to for a month or so but i didn't so, whatever. and it's not like anyone else fared any better okay. took the exam and can you believe it, my ECG machine broke down the second i tried to turn it off. luckily i didn't lose my cool and so the test went smoothly. except for the fact that i blanked out on the heart rate formula from anxiety that my ECG machine is pulling trick on me.
3. WENT BACK TO MALAYSIA a second time to celebrate hari raya with families and friends. it felt a little bit weird this time around on hari raya what with my first sister celebrating hers with her in laws and my second sister working on the first day of raya. and so the first day of raya was really only the 3 of us (me and my parents). but it was festive nonetheless, tradition was not broken eventhough it was really just the three of us; breakfast together early in the morning, the forgiveness ceremony and the usual open houses. and i just couldn't stop going back to the dapur for more ketupat servings okay, it was never delish during any raya time before this but maybe because it was homemade coconut wrapped ketupat this time, it was major superrrr! on the second day we went balik kampung to my late-grandfather's house to celebrate the festive with the rest of my distant relatives. more open houses and ketupat eating sessions before...
4. I FLEW BACK TO INDONESIA to attend the bloody camp organize by the bloody campus. it was meaningless and a waste of my time. it was fun regarding the fact that i got to go around the lake of this place the event was held but a part from that, nothing much. the execution of the event was weak and it was severely disorganized. 1) the event could be done in one day, but instead it was dragged into 3 days 2) it was meaningless because we were asked to fill up this book that contained super ridiculous questions which were rather psychological and irrelevant 3) it was held a week after raya, so the airplane tickets was crazy expensive. and it's not like we would be reimbursed of anything, it was all on our own tab. now now, i'm not being miserly or stingy but had they postpone or forwarded the events, everyone would not be so begrudgingly unhappy. to release some steam of disappointment..
5. I WENT TO JOGJAKARTA to relax and unwind with 3 other friends. jogja doesn't have that much to offer, and i am being bluntly honest here, unless you are into historical stories or architectures, like ME. while the visit to the parangtritis beach was mildly disappointing, largely in part due to 1) the lack of public transport willing to take passengers to and fro the beach area after 5 2) the beach that was not well maintained by visitors evidenced from the rubbishes disfiguring the beach scenic views 3) the wave was rather strong so swimming was strictly prohibited, the beach REDEEM itself by its breathtaking views every sunset and sunrise and other fun beach activities like horseback and ATV riding. had the chance to go to Mount Merapi which is famous for spewing hot lava and gases back in 2010 that devastated the majority part of jogja and killing lives. other places that i visited include Malioboro road, a shopping heaven, Universitas Gadjah Mada, a university so large it rivals our UM, Kraton, the palace of the Jogjakarta monarch, Vredeburg museum, which displays dioramas on Indonesia's history, including the aforementioned, Mount Merapi, Parangtritis Beach and the Borobudur and Prambanan Temple.
i guess that's it so far, maybe i'll write a super long ass post about my trip to jogja if i feel like it but till then earthlings!
p/s: i know i promised you that this wouldn't be a long ass post but i got carried away, but whatever, right?
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