it had been a very long time since i last wrote anything.
i missed this blog. i truly do. it's just that, i dont have anything interesting to write about. my life is a bore-fest.
actually, my life is not a bore-fest. it has a lot of crappy going ons and i'm living an agonizing life. both physically and mentally. suckiest thing about it is i can't tell anyone about my problems and rants. because everyone seems to be a loud mouth.
1. of being fat. i did it people. a round of applause for yours truly. i've hit that 110kg marks. i'm so proud of myself. NOT. gahhhh. maybe i'll write a long post about it later. hopefully when the writer's block and laziness has been lifted.
2. of friends. friends. the words i believe, carry an empty meaning. friend, i don't know the definition of it. seems like all the 'friends' that i used to have either leave me, or stab me in the back. 2 ex-friends that i really graciously love, happened to be talking about me behind my back. gooooood. another ex-bestfriend, is a good guy, but when i go to him for moral support, i got none. he even put the blame on me and my family. sooooo much for being a best friend.
3. medical school. i cannot wait to finish medical school. it used to be fun now it's all blablablablablablaaa and people being kiasu and trying to one-up each other. medical school is no fun and hard. the exam, especially the skill lab exam is hard. it didnt used to be hard but now it is. which bring us to..
4. results. i am still bitter that i failed my skill lab examination last semester, call me petty or whatever i don't care. it's not that i'm bearing grudges against the examiners, but i still think i do not deserve to fail.
i guess i'll blog something else later. i'm darn bored and i don't know what to doooo.